Thursday, December 31, 2009

hello all! cori and I are sitting here in my room watching toy story preparing for our night on the town! well, i just did my hair and cori is suffering from a little tummy ache. Nonetheless, we miss you guys and we hope you have a very happy new year!!!! I will post a group pic once one is taken, we are still waiting for the remaining beauties to pile in. Love love love! Anna, say hello to sophie from us, wish you both were here! :)

farts and poops and stuff.

hello! i am falling into a deep depression over the fact that i will not be ringing in the new year with my fellow grannies. sophie (my bff from home) is here visiting, so she is attempting to fill that void. boys are also kind of bumming me out these days, but i'm working on changing my attitude because... i don't know... because it's time. and we are all modern women(?). i decided to cheer myself up by buying a new ring! it's an old clock watch i purchased at stripe (in downtown sc). take a gander...

i love you!
oh yes. and also. i got smashed this afternoon at the harbor cafe and drunkenly created a twitter account. so if you feel inclined to do so, follow me at
and lastly, if you ever go to the harbor cafe, you should probably definitely order a greyhound. they are amazzzzing! but i obviously secretly threw up because i couldn't handle a 10 oz. vodka beverage on an empty stomach.

u crazzzzzzzzed

Monday, December 28, 2009


Look at these beautiful Unearthen necklaces, which you can get at The little vial contains drops of Pacific Ocean water (it also comes in crude oil and holi powder versions.) I really miss the West Coast and would love to have a drop around my neck at all times. I bet I could make one easily the next time I am in California (hopefully, next summer). Anyways, this is how I spent my Christmas.....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

bummed out tonight. working on it, though: i've been listening to prince and kells for a few minutes, and i already feel slightly less blah. (ps: how excellent would an r. kelly and prince duet be?)
photo from flickr.

why can't i wake up to this every morning?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Frida Pancake Longbody says hello. So do I.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

to b a g (granny)

gotta look granny
granny getup =
oversized cheesy sweater
nonfunctional glasses
topped off with a bing bong bun

Sunday, December 20, 2009

if no one else checks this or makes posts i'm going to secretly come into your bedroom while you're sleeping and saw your toenails off.

i guess i wouldn't be secretly doing it because i'm making a grand announcement. but seriously. i really hope everyone tries their best to post shit on this because i think it's very important to stay in touch. it's rare to have so many babetastic bitches in one huddle of a girl group. i have also just graduated and am bored. so i figure this is a good way to stay entertained. last night was awesome. I CANNOT BELIEVE MO CRASHED THAT BRIDE'S PERFORMANCE. (pictures to come very very soon) ok. i love you all.

oh yes! and also, if you're bored and not posting babetastic things on OUR blog, you should check out she's super cute and in a york peppermint patty commercial right now!


Saturday, December 19, 2009